Friday, December 13, 2013

I notice that some more people have viewed my posts, since my last entry. I suppose, that if there are people out there who listen to Jandek, and Nurse With Wound, that there might also be a few who might like my DIY Turtle-Screed. Then again, the only similarity between the aforementioned and myself, is that they aren't necessarily that easy to pigeon-hole; although, people often try by using buzzwords and sound-bite phrases--as well as other facile labels that say more about the tendency to caricature than about the focus of the nomenclature in question.

This week I have had several recurrences of gout--which has, as the NRC once said of Plutonium, taken up residence--apparently in my heel. This isn't a problem until I start walking, when the intense pain caused by the weight being put on my ankle and heel, forces me to shift my bulk to my other foot, which soon begins to ache as well. It is a Promethean form of suffering; for, like that famous personage--who once gave humanity fire, and was forced to suffer for it eternally by having to endure the horrors of birds forever pecking out his liver (which always regenerated, so that it could be pecked out again)--my feet heal within a few days, only to be subject to the same blinding pain the following week, when the Uric Acid crystals again congeal within the sensitive flesh of that and other areas of my body. It looks as if I will be taking Folate and Vitamin C, and eating more spinach and lentils, as these are beneficial.

And, as Gout tends to focus the mind--mainly on the discernible nuances that animate one's pain--it tends to de-emphasize everything else. As I am sure that nobody who reads this is looking for, or interested in, advice on Gout, this doesn't bode well for readability. Of course, I should be back to my old self in a day or two, and revert to a more eclectic style of metaphysical analysis.

I will leave some pictures for those who require a daily Phlegm-nodule just in case.
Until my next communication,
The steward of the PhlegmTurtlePalace--home of the Mock-Turtle-Soup for the soiled, and the Neolithic Tortoise carapace.

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