Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I'm getting strange yellow-boxes on the monitor screen informing me that there has been some unspecified 'error' and that unexpected things may happen. This is in addition to a message telling me to get a new 'server' every time I log on. I have no fucking idea what any of this means; although, I can say with some certainty that I have often experienced problems similar to this on web-sites, e-mail servers etc., and they are never elaborated upon or explained. Am I being paranoid; well, I don't think this is the result of any conspiracy, rather it signals the limitations built into a technology that has become so complex that the number of variables that effect its workability are too byzantine for anyone to be certain that a quirk in some distant connection inside a mainframe, or a synapse within the virtual brain controlling the entire system, hasn't somehow caused some chain of subliminal--meaning barely visible--events that culminate in these ridiculous and largely incoherent system messages. Then again, maybe it is a conspiracy. Hopefully, I won't be plagued by these glitches on a continuous basis. Best of all, the systems manager doesn't actually tell you how to get in touch with them to complain about said glitches, although one can hit the reply button, and more than likely have the message get bounced back with a largely indecipherable and irrelevant reply from another computer in the same system...Welcome to the 21st century where the misfires, malfunctions and mis-readings are as comical as they are ubiquitous...I am sure that there is a Philip K Dick story with a similar scenario, perhaps one that grows more sinister or at least insidious over time. I hope my virtual shell comes away unscathed...

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